February 22, 2025

Internal Compliance committee

Internal Compliance committee (Women Cell)

STAR LION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY has constituted a ‘Women’s Grievance Cell’ as per the orders of the Supreme Court (Vishaka Judgement), ‘Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013’ rules with the aim of promoting gender equality and women empowerment among students and staff members. The cell takes care of the grievances of girl students and female staff members related to gender discrimination, violence and sexual harassment on the campus. It is dedicated to create an environment on the campus where every female feels safe.

The objectives of the women’s grievance cell are as follows:

– To create an environment of gender justice where men and women work together with a sense of personal security and dignity.

– To create awareness amongst students about the issues related to the youth, girls in particular.

– To disseminate knowledge about rights and laws related to women.

– To create awareness amongst students about the problems faced by women due to gender issues.

– To enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of girl students, women faculty and staff. – To foster decision-making ability in girl students for making informed choices in areas like education, employment and health.

1.Mrs. P. Kala, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics EngineeringPresiding Officerkalabala21310@gmail.com
2.Mrs. V. Revathy, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringMemberrevicse@gmail.com
3.Mrs. N. Kalyani, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringMemberkallunaga@gmail.com
4.Mr. B. Vijayashankar, Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Humanities (Mathematics)Memberbs.vijayashankar@gmail.com
5.Mrs. R. Anitha Junior Accounts officer, OfficeMemberanithajanani1985@gmail.com
6.Mr. N. Manikandan, Technical Assistant, Department of Mechanical EngineeringMember
7.Mr. P. Pounraj, Official of NGO, Tirukattupalli.External Member
8.Ms. T. Nishanthi, Student, IInd year, Electrical and Electronics Engineering.Student Representative 1nisha16@gmail.com
9.Ms. S. Dhivya, Student, IIIrd year, Civil EngineeringStudent Representative 2dhivyacivil04@gmail. com
10.Ms. A.S. Sangoli, Student, IVth year, Computer Science and EngineeringStudent Representative 3sangoli2299@gmail. com
11.Mr. R. Ritishkumar, Student, IVth year, Mechanical Engineering.Student Representative 401ritheshraja@gmail. com
12.Mr. S. Veeramani, Student, IVth year, Electronics and Communication Engineering.Student Representative 5veeramanitkp01@gmail.com